Children & Family
It is a joy and privilege to help families grow in their faith together by supporting, nurturing and encouraging the tenets of our Christian faith.
It’s all about faith, fellowship, food and fun, as children, youth, and families stay connected and build stronger relationships with their church family Sunday mornings and beyond. Our youth and children's ministries are scripture based, Jesus-centered ministries.
Safe Sanctuary

Nursery & Children's Church
Our goal on Sunday mornings is to provide nurture and education for children in a safe, welcoming, well-staffed, and positive environment to enhance your family's journey of faith.
Two nursery spaces are provided on Sunday mornings; our infant nursery is for newborns to capable walkers and our toddler nursery accommodates children through the age of three. As children grow from infants to three-year-olds, we will introduce them to God's presence through interactive play, singing, storytelling, arts and crafts, and sharing.
Between the ages of three and four, parents decide when their child is ready to make the transition from nursery to Children’s Church. When ready, children attend worship with parents. During the worship service, children are invited to come to the front of the Sanctuary for a Children’s Sermon and then children ages 3 years through 5th grade are dismissed for Children’s Church. During Children’s Church, the children are divided into separate groups for age-appropriate lessons and hands-on activities. Parents can pick up children in the hall beside the Choir Room following worship.
Nursery and Children’s Church are staffed by trained workers and volunteers who all meet our Safe Sanctuary guidelines.
Safe Sanctuaries
We are a Safe Sanctuaries congregation and are committed to the physical and emotional safety and well-being of all our children. Our goal is that every child will see the love of Jesus in each person who leads them in study and worship.
Before working with children or youth at SIMC, our staff and volunteers commit to a background check and complete our Safe Sanctuaries training. Highlights of our Safe Sanctuary guidelines are as follows:
Volunteers must be an active member of the congregation for 6 months before volunteering with children, youth or at-risk adults.
SIMC follows the “two adult” rule which requires two adults be present to care for children who are in or below 5th grade.
For youth 6th grade and above, one adult worker must be present, with an additional adult worker available to come in and out of the ministry space at unscheduled times.
Windows are present in doors, or doors remain open, where children and youth are present.
Classrooms and nursery spaces keep an “open door” policy and can be visited at any time by church staff, parents and workers.
Background checks are completed on staff and volunteers and are updated on a regular basis.
Additional guidelines apply for any off-site or overnight outings.
SIMC staff and volunteers fall under a “mandatory reporting” policy and any allegations of abuse must be reported to SIUMC’s Child Protection Committee.
Nursery volunteers are first aid/CPR/AED trained.
Any questions regarding our Safe Sanctuary policy can be referred to Michelle Johnson, Director of Education.