Approximately eight acres of land were purchased on July 15th, 1979 for the potential church. On September 11th, 1983, 35 people attended the first service in Unit 44 at The Settlement. The church was officially chartered on February 26th, 1984. On November 11th, 1984, a trailer was furnished by the Board of Missions and 38 people attended the first service in the trailer. Dr. Ralph Bailey, founding pastor, preached at Skidaway for five years. Groundbreaking occurred on November 15th, 1987. In June of 1988, Rev. Jim Giddens was appointed as the pastor, and on July 17th, 1988, 128 people attended the first service in the new chapel. Groundbreaking for Bailey Hall, the church office, and Sunday school rooms happened on February 28th, 1992. Membership at this time was 274. The memorial Garden was consecrated on September 19th, 1993. On January 10th, 1999, groundbreaking took place for the sanctuary and additions to the education building. Additional classrooms, office space, choir room, and storage area were completed in November 1999. The dedication of the sanctuary was held on April 9th, 2000. As of March 2017, the membership stands at 1424.
Timeline of Events
Groundbreaking of the Sanctuary
Construction of Bailey Hall
Rev. Jim Giddens was appointed to be the first full time pastor.
Ground was broken for the construction of a new 140 seat chapel.
Construction was completed on the current Fellowship Hall
and the Memorial Garden.
An organizational meeting with those interested in forming a
new church was held with Dr. Ralph Bailey, who was to be the first pastor of the church.
Our current 7.9 acres of land was purchased on Skidaway Island.
In February, 35 charter members joined the newly established congregation and in November, the first worship service was held in a modular chapel.
Sunday attendance outgrew the Chapel so Bailey Hall was renovated to allow for worship.
Membership reached 750 and ground was broken for the current Sanctuary and Education building.
Membership continued to increase, a prayer labyrinth was constructed and a church in India, “Skidaway East,” was developed.