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Worship With Us

Sunday Morning Schedule


8:30 am – 9:15 am

Worship in the Sanctuary

A less formal service that features an abbreviated 

order of worship, with music provided by soloists 

and small ensembles. 


10:00 – 11:00 am

Worship in the Sanctuary

A full formal service that includes multiple scripture lessons,

a children's sermon, and music provided by the Chancel Choir. 


 11:00 am

Coffee Hour in Bailey Hall

An opportunity for our members and guests to 

gather and connect for a time of fellowship.


Nursery is provided in room 101 from 8:30 am – Noon

About Our Worship

Here at SIMC, we embrace a vibrant, yet traditional order of worship. Along with relevant and meaningful preaching, familiar hymns, great choral singing and professional instrumentalists contribute to the spirit of worship. We follow the ancient liturgical calendar, which reflects the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ; and the sending of the Holy Spirit to the Church. We celebrate the sacrament of communion on the first Sunday of each month. In the Methodist church we believe the Lord’s Supper is a memorial of the suffering and death of Christ and a symbol of the union Christians have with Christ and one another. Communion is open to all persons, regardless of church affiliation.

We'd love your help during our worship services!

We have several opportunities to serve including: Acolytes and Crucifers, Altar Guild, Ushers and Greeters, Communion Stewards, Flower Guild, and Audio/Visual. Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch shortly!

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