Music Ministry
"The Music Ministry of Skidaway Island Methodist Church exists for the sole purpose of glorifying God through music and worship. In keeping with the foundations of Methodism, we seek to 'move on towards perfection' in our lives and in the musical offerings we bring our creator. The ministry strives to provide a place for individuals to share their God-given talents while being encouraged through fellowship with other believers. We hope to draw ourselves and others closer to God by invoking his spirit to move through our music, and touch the hearts and lives of his people."
Here in Savannah, we appreciate and uphold a strong heritage of sacred music. John and Charles Wesley printed the first American hymnal here in 1736, and Lowell Mason composed many of his famous hymns while serving in Savannah. Whether you choose to participate in one of our ensembles or attend one of our many concerts, we invite you to become a part of this heritage at SIUMC.
Skidaway Island Methodist Church and its Music Staff are proud members of the following organizations:
The American Choral Director's Assocation
The American Guild of Handbell Ringers
The American Guild of Organists
The Charles Wesley Society
The Chorister's Guild
The Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts
The Hymn Society